
Zchho-ku-zhen kiddy show
2010/07/22 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



With the change of time, most of the traditional Taiwanese folk performances have gone, including the Zchho Ku Zhen performance.

One of the few groups that still perform the ancient folk art is in Sanwei elementary school in Linyuan township of Kaohsiung County.

Let's follow our camera to take a look at these young performers.

Lowering legs and swaying hips, these young performers are also beating time with the instrument on their hands.

This is the most traditional Zchho Ku performance of Taiwan.

Although its name consists of car and drum in Chinese, the performance is more like a NanGuan Folk Drama.

During the summer, some of the children in the Sanwei elementary school of Linyuan in Kaohsiung County practiced the folk performance on a daily basis.

Even first graders seem to have picked up a bit.

The elementary school invited old artists in the community to teach the folk art 18 years ago.

Although the artists have passed away, the students passed on the legacy on campus.

Many famous Taiwanese opera numbers are actually inspired from the folk art.

Students first learn how to sing and do hand gestures in beautiful costumes.

They will have to learn how to play the music as well.

As one of the few groups that play traditional Zchho Ku performance, the Sanwei elementary school has won its reputation through years of performances at schools or temple fairs.

But as time changes, parents become less supportive of their children learning the traditional art.

It's not easy to continue to pass on the skills.

Fortunately, starting from this year, a junior high school of the same school district plans to establish a Zchho Ku club, so the young performers can get to practice after the graduate from elementary school.

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關鍵字Zchho-ku-zhen kiddy Show Zchho Ku Zhen performance Sanwei elementary school Linyuan Zchho Ku
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