
Commodity prices soaring
2010/07/25 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Prices of certain food products are on the rise, including those of pork, sugar and flour. Farmers say that the summer heat has a negative impact on the growth of pigs, and the pork prices are not expected to go down until November.

The smell of freshly baked bread is free, but the bread itself is going up soon for flour price is expected to rise.

The association of bakery said that, seasonal wheat production in the U.S. is low every year during July and August, thus the rise in flour price, however, it should only be a temporary price adjustment.

The wholesale market is having shortage of flour and is looking at a price adjustment starting next month.

On the other hand, sugar price is going up too because of the historical high price of trading price of US$ 140 per metric ton; price of sugar went up in all of the Asian markets.

In addition, during the hot summer months, raising pig is difficult for each pig is weighing in at an average of 90 to 120 kilograms with the pork price went up to the second highest in history to NT$73 per kilogram, NT$10 more per kilogram compared to the same period in the past.

With the coming Chinese ghost month and Mid-autumn festival, pork price would remain high until after November when the weather gets cooler.

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關鍵字Commodity prices soaring prices of certain food rise Mid-autumn Festival Asian markets
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