
More conservation spots
2010/07/26 06:45 綜合報導     地區:花蓮縣報導



The Forestry Bureau has announced Taiwan's top 100 natural sceneries, including the Taroko Gorge's Indian Head and the New Yangnu Lake, which few know about.

In an attempt to preserve these one of a kind attractions, the government proclaims these locations as temporary natural reserves to prevent potential development and destruction.

This rock that looks like an Indian head in Hualien's Taroko Gorge was cut by the river water.

And this sand beach is Nanfangao's unique Sha Jingjia in Ilan County.

There is also Kaohsiung County's New Yangnu Lake, which spurts out volcanic mud.

The Forestry Bureau has decided to choose Taiwan's top 100 sites because of these unique places, so everyone can know Taiwan's natural resources.

These 100 sites were chosen by a combined team of the Forestry Bureau, NTU, Tunghwa University, and Kaohsiung Normal University conservation groups.

But some of these 100 sites are disappearing fast or is on private land.

To help protect these places, it is expected that some of these unique assets will be protected by 2012.

Besides the 20 already pronounced natural reserves such as Penghu's Tong Panyu Island's basalt rocks, Taitung's muddy rocks, Liji Badlands, and Huoyan Mountain which you see driving by the freeway, the Forestry Bureau is hoping more places will be conserved in the future.

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關鍵字attractions Taroko Gorge locations prevent Forestry Bureau natural reserves
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