
Midsummer music festival
2010/07/28 06:45 綜合報導     地區:彰化縣報導



The Wong Gong Midsummer Musical Festival in Changhua County has attracted up to 10,000 music lovers just this past weekend alone.

You can still catch the music filled event that will last for the whole entire month.

As the singers rock out on stage, tourists get a taste of the different foods sold by the food stands.

Here, tourists get to satiate their appetites with savory foods, enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Wong Gong Fishing harbor, and paddle on the oyster-mining cars - these are all part of the unforgettable experience that comes with this fishing village.

The roasting summer heat won't hold back the crowds of people that came all the way from Yunlin by an hour's drive, like Mr. Tsai here, who came especially for the music festival.

This festival showcases the cultural wonders of Changhua County.

Everyone from oyster farmers to shop owners have all taken part in organizing the fifth annual music festival, hoping to expand the development of their local industries.

The Wong Gong Midsummer Musical Festival which will take up to a month has already drawn in a crowd of 10,000 people in just two days.

The Changhua County government estimates that approximately one billion dollars' profit was made.

In comparison to the 5 million dollar budget to host the festival, the profit numbers were staggering even to the organizers.

But the organizers admit quite helplessly that once the festival is over, once summer is over, this popular tourist spot will once again return to the quiet, slow-paced fishing village it always has been.

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關鍵字Midsummer music Festival The Wong Gong Midsumme Musical Festival Changhua county
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