
Jeremy lin meets president ma
2010/07/31 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Taiwanese-American NBA player Jeremy Lin has made two important stops on his last day in Taiwan.

He first paid his visit to the youth basketball camp, followed by a meeting with President Ma Ying-jeou.

As a Harvard alumni himself, the president praises Lin for bringing glory to Taiwan, and for creating great hopes for students and athletes on the island.

Let's follow Golden State Warriors Jeremy Lin on his last day, concluding his two-day tour in Taiwan.

Lin first took on the role as the coach of the youth basketball camp. Although declining to answer questions to whether he will play for the Chinese Taipei national team, Lin doesn't hold back in sharing his experiences and his basketball moves to the aspiring athletes.

Later on in the day, Lin and his parents had the opportunity to meet President Ma Ying-jeou at the Presidential Office, where Ma and Lin, both exchanged their stories about being Harvard University alumni.

Ma doesn't forget to compliment Lin as the pride of Taiwan, and Lin, on the other hand, presented an autographed basketball to the president.

Wrapping up his two-day trip in Taiwan, Lin is heading back to the life of a NBA star, bringing back with him the complete support from his homeland.

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關鍵字athletes glory alumni Harvard PLAYER NBA Taiwanese-American President LIN Jeremy
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