
Night markets polls
2010/07/31 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台中市報導



The 2010 night market competition is ongoing right now, and so far, Tainan's Huayuan night market is out beating the rest, with Taichung's Fengchia night market following closely behind in the ranking.

Taichung's government is urging local residents to show some support by casting votes online, to boost Fengchia night market to the top spot as the best one of the year.

The 2010 night market competition is heating up and

Tainan's Huayuan night market is ahead of Taichung's Fengchia night market in three different categories out of the six criteria they are rated upon.

The votes may change anytime soon and the Taichung government is asking the residents to support Taichung's Fengchia night market which has an estimate revenue of 8 billion NT dollars per year with its 1,400 food stands.

However, this positive push is also getting some negative feedbacks from venders who are afraid that the already bad traffic will be even worse with the massive publicity. Business owners are stressing that the city government should consider solving the traffic congestions before strongly promoting its attraction. They fear that the overload of people will force visitors to other destinations that are less crowded.

The top ten list is already out online right now, so pick for your most loved night market and let your opinions be heard.

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關鍵字night markets competition Taichung Fengchia vender food stands traffic
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