
Prepare for natural disasters
2010/08/02 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



It's has been nearly a year since Typhoon Morakot has caused widespread destruction in the south of Taiwan.

Now, President Ma Ying-jeou is joining the Morakot Post-Disaster Reconstruction Council of the Executive Yuan's seminar, "Future Pespectives" in discussing related issues. The president further addresses that the Executive Yuan should better educate the public regarding disaster prevention and evacuation.

It's almost a year since Typhoon Morakot devastated Southern Taiwan.

In retrospect of the emergency response back then, President Ma Ying-jeou, who was invited to speak at a seminar, stressed that the public should know about the concept of disaster prevention and evacuation.

The typhoon last year ruined many houses and took lives in Southern Taiwan.

After a year of reconstruction, there are quite a few people who still live in temporary, pre-fabricated houses.

The traffic construction and local industries have yet to return to normal.

National Sun Yat-sen University, which took the initiative to coordinate colleges in Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas for disaster relief and reconstruction efforts, held a review meeting with scholars, in the hope to find out future direction for development.

The seminar is to explore how disaster-hit areas are able to rebirth based on the concept of ecology and sustainability.

But the participants of the meeting were central and local government officials and representatives from charity foundations, which helped build community and permanent housing projects.

Without the presence of those who are truly affected by the disaster, the seminar to review the 88 flooding problems lacks its most important attendees.

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關鍵字Prepare for natural disasters typhoon Morakot Morakot Post-Disaster Reconstruction Council national Sun yat-sen University President MA Ying-jeou
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