
Experts Warn of Autumn Typhoons
2010/08/03 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The typhoon season for Taiwan normally starts from July to September, but there hasn't been any typhoon hitting Taiwan so far. The Central Weather Bureau predicts that there will be fewer typhoons this year, but people shouldn't underrate the power of autum typhoons.

In the past 20 years, this is the sixth time in which Taiwan has gone through July without a single typhoon.

The Central Weather Bureau predicts that there will be fewer typhoons this year than in the past.

However, they also say that in there will be 2 - 4 typhoons in the coming four months.

Of course, we will still have to observe the air currents.

As Taiwan is nearing the fall season, there will be potentially strong autumn typhoons.

Last October, with Typhoon Parma, precipitation exceeded 1000 millimeters, causing heaving flooding in Yilan.

Afterwards, Typhoon Lupit also brought torrential rain to the eastern part of Taiwan.

Also, during the Mid-Autumn festival of the year before, Typhoon Sinlakus' rainfall tore apart the Hou-feng bridge.

Going as far back as 20 years ago, without even touching Taiwan soil, Typhoon Lynn caused massive flooding in Taipei.

Autumn typhoons will typically create this combined effect, which is not to be underestimated.

Typhoons in the past have brought many calamities.

As autumn typhoons may appear in as late as November, right before winter comes, residents must be fully prepared for any possible typhoons.


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關鍵字Experts warn of autumn typhoons The Central Weather Bureau Parma Mid-autumn Festival
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