
Migrants Caught for Illegal Working
2010/08/04 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台中市報導



53 overseas Chinese from Vietnam have been caught for illegally working in Taichung. These laborers are in a difficult situation because they are not allowed to be hired in either Taiwan or Vietnam.

Lets hear their stories here on CTS.

When officials from the National Immigration Agency visited, all workers were sleeping in a cramped factory dormitory and didn't know what had happened.

They showed their passports in a line and were all detained at the immigration office.

All those people felt helpless for they are overseas Chinese from Vietnam who were working illegally in Taiwan.

One of the workers, surnamed Liao, has the passport of the Republic of China through his parents.

Yet Liao is considered a foreigner by the Vitenamese government because of the passport, and his lack of Taiwanese citizenship also prevents him from getting any job here.

He only makes NT$600 each day and is without health care or labor insurance.

Like Liao, the supervisor of these workers, Ho Shui Yuan, said that his parents belonged to Chiang Kai-shek's army fleeing to Vietnam during World War II.

All 53 overseas Chinese are from the same province, more than 10 of them are descendants of Chinese national army.

Both governments don't recognize them and they hope the R.O.C. government can help them out.

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關鍵字Migrants caught for illegal working illegally overseas Chinese Vietnam national Immigration Agency
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