
Best Father's Day Gift
2010/08/08 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



A young lady who used to work at the Shinchu Science Park, gave up her job to take care of her dearest father, who suffered from a stroke last year. Luckily, with the family's company and support, her father is recovering well.

Slowly reading one word after another, Mr. Wang is practicing reading to regain his ability to talk.

The girl reading with him is his daughter who gave up her job in order to take care of him by herself.

Ms. Wang used to have a well-paid job in Hsinchu Science Park, but she quit it soon after her father had a stroke.

She said that taking care of her father is the most important thing now.

She can return for work anytime in the future but right now, her father needs her.

In order to help her father have better control over his voice cords, she even teaches him to sing.

With his daughter's encouragement and company, Mr. Wang is recovering from the stroke and is able to slowly articulate words now.

This is undoubtedly the greatest Father's day gift for the whole family.

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關鍵字Father's DAY Shinchu Science Park stroke ability well-paid
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