
Underwater Monitoring
2010/08/09 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台東縣報導



The Ocean Research Institute has set up a new ocean monitoring equipment outside of Orchard Island.

Despite of the challenges due to the ongoing changes of the ocean activities, and its frequent typhoons, the marine scientists are looking forward to capture fresh images of the sea creatures.

The Ocean Research Institute's team reset the underwater cameras and transmission cables at 10 meters deep after last year's Typhoon Morakot.

The crew battled large waves as they carried out their work.

Sherman recalls the large waves crashing on to them as they carried out their work based on experience.

There was also a reef monitoring system at Kenting's #3 nuclear power plant 5 years ago.

But experts said setting up this system at Orchard Island is much tougher.

Lin Fangbang said although installing the system off Orchard Island was hard, the picture quality and stability have improved.

Although maintaining the system around Orchard Island's rough ocean is hard, the ability of capturing large animals on film greatly excites the team.

Taiwan's mature underwater monitoring technology has also attracted many foreign experts.

Officials from Australia's Great Barrier Reef and Thailand's Phuket National Park will come and see the systems themselves in Sept of this year.

In the future, there is hope that images from Taiwan's Kenting and Orchard Island can combine with these two countries' images to broadcast to the world.

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關鍵字underwater monitoring equipment OCEAN Research Institute Orchard island OCEAN activity typhoon sea creatures
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