
Greener buses
2010/07/09 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



An innovative hybrid-fuel system designed by a Taiwanese company has won this year's Energy Globe World Award. After two years of testing on buses in Kaohsiung, the system has been proven effective in reducing air pollution as well as fuel consumption. A wider application of this technology is being planned by the city government.

Just adding a little water can increase fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. Kaohsiung City buses have installed hydrogen electrolysis equipment receiving the 2010 Energy Globe Award for first place in the clean air section for lowering carbon emissions.

The equipment mainly uses flammable hydrogen gas derived from electrolysis of water, as well as the effect of oxygen combustion allowing an internal combustion engine to improve the efficiency of energy conversion.

In Kaohsiung, a total of 23 buses were the first stage of implementation, installing such equipment that were primarily used for driving 168 inner city routes.

Kaohsiung has more and more motorcycles and factories with poor air quality leading carbon emissions to be among the highest in the world.

Now, this international award-winning energy-saving bus is allowing the Kaohsiung City Government to contemplate the purchase of more environmentally friendly vehicles to improve the city's air quality.

It will also contribute to the overall global environment.

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關鍵字Greener bus innovative hybrid-fuel system Taiwanese company ENERGY Globe World Award equipment
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