
Tattoo Sticker Irritation
2010/08/10 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



You want to look daring, but you are intimidated with the pain of real tattoos, so you turn to sticker ones instead. Now, you may want to think twice before you proceed.

A man in Kaohsiung did just that, and end up with a severe allergic reaction that took him weeks to recover.

Exclusively here on CTS, let's find out what you need to be careful before you get yourself artificially "inked".

Getting real tattoos require some kind of courage, and that's why these sticker tattoos are a hot sell for young adults.

It's effortless, and easy to apply, not to mention that it can add to your persona without a slight discomfort.

However, a Kaohsiung man seems to be suffering more than he expected from this little sticker tattoo that costs only 10 NT dollars. After transferring the design onto his arm, he experienced an agonizing outcome, more regretful than receiving a bad tattoo.

It took him minutes to get the image imprinted on, but several weeks to get well from this supposedly irritation free procedure. Even until now, you can still see scars left behind by the inflammation.

Doctors say this may be the result from PPD, an organic compound and an ingredient found in many products including hair dye kits. In this case, the man's body is opposing to PPD, causing allergic contact dermatitis.

If you ever encounter a similar situation when dyeing your hair or from using sticker tattoos, get assistance from doctors immediately, to prevent leaving permanent scars not from a real tattoo, but a fake one.

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關鍵字Tattoo pain sticker severe allergic reaction inked scars
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