
False Killer Whales Spotted
2010/08/10 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台東縣報導



Over 40 false killer whales recently appeared off the coast of Taitung, surprising all the whale watching tourists nearby. According to local fishermen, it's been nearly six years since the last time they saw this species showing up in such a large group.

For the whale watching tourists off the coast of Taitung, the appearance of more than 40 false killer whales was totally unexpected, but hardly unwelcome.

Even local fishermen say it is rare for them to see this orca-like species showing up in such a large group, the last time being five or six years ago.

So tourists should count themselves lucky to be able to witness this remarkable phenomenon.

As their name suggests, the false killer whales look very similar to killer whales, which is officially known as orcas.

And the major outward difference between them is in color. While the orcas are black and white, false killer whales are black and grey.

But despite their physical resemblance, biologists say these two species are not closely related.

As there is still about one month of summer vacation left, a whale watching trip to Taitung may not be a bad idea, because you'll probably find yourself greeted by these special marine friends.

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關鍵字false Killer whales Coast Taitung tourist fishermen species marine
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