
Food Products Mis-labeled
2010/08/14 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



A cup of strawberry yogurt would smell just as sweet even if it contains no strawberry at all, but consumers may feel cheated and not getting their money's worth. According to a new survey by the Consumers' Foundation, many food products on the market are given names that tend to mislead buyers about their ingredients and effects. And lax regulations by the authorities are blamed for this problem.

A yogurt factory in Tainan is responsible for making a strawberry yogurt, which contains no strawberries at all though the packaging clearly stated that it is strawberry yogurt, however, strawberry is not part of the ingredients.

The Consumer foundation pointed out that the product could easily mislead the consumers.

Some of the drinks are hinting that their drinks can help lose weight as the diet product market is of huge earning potential.

In addition, juice drinks are with the same problem. A cranberries juice drink contains more carrot juice than any other juice, which is deceiving.

The consumer foundation pointed out that, though none of the products violated any regulations, the Health Bureau should still enforced related regulations for there are too many of these miss labeled products on the market.

Before the regulations are out to control those products, the fair trade commission can still fine the manufacture for as much as NT$ 25 million for false advertising.

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關鍵字consumers cheat survey Consumers' Foundation mislead buyers ingredients and effects health Bureau
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