
Terraced Field Revival
2010/08/16 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



This terraced field within the Yangmingshan National Park, has been left abandoned due to the declining local agricultural industry.

But now, under the Council of Agriculture, the Forestry Bureau has decided to allocate budget to restore the area, in hope to revitalize the farming village.

Left unused for over a decade, the irrigation system finally gets the water resource once again.

The water channel built on the bricked wall is called "floating irrigation", which brings water to terraced fields.

The unique scenery of a farming village, the Bayen village cluster on the mountain of Jinshan in Taipei, is then created.Forestry Bureau decides to devote more than NT$3 million to rebuild the community with a program to preserve the habitats and rebuild the community.

But before this, the terraced fields were dried up.

How to bring the water flow back to the village is the key of a successful renovation.

Residents who provide their houses as a local service center believe this may be a great chance for revival.

Thanks to the visits from government officials, the quiet farming village has been busy.

Old farmers are happy to make extra money with their new, small business.

But they don't seem to have the slightest idea about the government's plan to help develop local industry, create eco-tourism opportunities, given the ecological features.

Since the farming village is remote and it's difficult to develop the land, the rare sight of terraced fields in Northern Taiwan is remained.

There are even houses built of stone walls and a small pond in front of the entrance.

This kind of ecological features is believed to be the key for the village revival, which local residents look forward in anticipation yet with little participation.

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關鍵字Terraced Field Revival Council of Agriculture Forestry Bureau Jinshan slightest IDEA
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