
Young Female Train Conductors
2010/08/17 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Some people may have the impression that TaiRail's conductors are all 40 to 50 year old man.

The rails service will be trying to change that impression with 5 female conductors that will start working this summer.

One of them is the youngest female train conductor in Taiwan, who is only 27 years old.

The young appearance is surprisingly helpful.

Many passengers that were thinking of trying to skip out on ticket checks are now requesting their tickets be checked.

Welcome aboard the train.

The five female train conductors are all beautiful.

Don't think they are just wearing the uniform for fun.

They are TaiRail's new secret weapon.

The most striking conductor is this woman, as she nicely says hi to the passengers.

At 24 years old, Hsu Reiting is the youngest female train conductor in TaiRail's history.

She is usually in charge of the Taroko line.

Her sweet smile easily attracts many passengers.

Some passengers that were thinking of escaping ticket checks all turn themselves in now.

She joined TaiRail because both her grandfather and father worked in the company.

Although 26 year old Yeh Yuching studied education, she wanted to be a conductor since the first time she rode a train at 10 years old.

Some passengers were surprised to see female train conductors for the first time.

These new female conductors can not only help increase TaiRail's revenue, but it also shows the company is trying to become younger.

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關鍵字TaiRail conductor rail Service female ticket checks Taroko line
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