
Happy Senior Life
2010/08/18 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



More and more businesses are coming up with new products designed especially for senior citizens in offering them a more manageable and convenient lifestyle. Check out these inventions such as a picture telephone and a versatile shopping cart that is also a chair, here on CTS.

As Taiwanese live longer, our senior population continues to grow. With this change, there has been a huge growth in products and services for seniors. Grandma Huang is trying to call her grandchild. By using the speed dial that shows family and friends picture icons, she can call them easily without worrying that she might forget their phone numbers or who is assigned to what number.

A 4-wheel shopping cart is her perfect helper when she goes out to buy daily commodities. What's even better about the cart is that she can actually sit on it whenever she feels tired.

These handy products makes their lives easier, and many courses including English and baking classes for elders are now available to enrich their lives as well.

The real trick is to be able to manage your senior life. However, with the living expenses remain as high as 40,000 NT dollars per month, a 30 year retirement will cost 7.2 million NT dollars. Want to enjoy a happy senior life? You better start saving money now.

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