
Squid Price Up 300%
2010/08/20 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Expect to pay more to make a squid dish.

According to the department of Fisheries Administration, the squid harvest this year is only at its 30 percent compared to the past, resulting in the soaring price of these sea creatures.

The 60 NT dollars bowl of thicken squid soup is full of squid and most people might think that the vender is making a good profit,

but in fact, recently, with each bowl sold, the owner is worried about using up the squid already in the fridge for he doesnt want to raise the price or purchase squid at the current high inflated price.

According to the department of fisheries administration, this year's catch of squid of 30,000 tons is only 30% of the previous years amount, causing the squid price to go up to NT$400 per 600 grams compared with the previous price of just NT$190 per 600 grams.

The owner of the squid thickened soup is considering switching to selling fish paste covered pork thickened soup instead after 25 years of selling the squid soup.

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關鍵字Squid PRICE departmen creatures Squid soup PROFIT
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