
Which Fish to Offer?
2010/08/20 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



With the Ghost Festival coming around soon, many people are preparing fish as one of their offerings. However, the recent price of fish has gone up as well due to the climate change. The Council of Agriculture is giving the public an option, consumers are encouraged to buy farm-raised fish, which are cheaper in cost.

The Ghost Festival is approaching, and many people are preparing meat and fish sacrifices.

However, the prices of fish commonly used as sacrifices, including pomfrets and yellow croakers, have gone up this year in response to climate changes.

The Council of Agriculture and fish breeders are therefore working together to offer domestically-bred fish, including breams and milkfish, at low prices.

Fishermen's catch are currently selling for up to 600 NT per catty, but breams and milkfish are available for just 30 NT and 70 NT per catty, respectively.

Bass is also available for less than 100 NT per catty.

According to fish breeders, climate changes have led to a lower supply of fish, which in turn has resulted in rising prices.

Fish breeders are calling on the public to use domestically-bred fish for Ghost Festival sacrifices, saying that bred fish is equally nutritious, but much cheaper than fish caught in the ocean.

At the same time, consumers would be helping the domestic fish breeding industry.

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關鍵字fish Offer ghost Festival preparing climate sacrifices yellow croakers
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