
Beauty with Belly Scar
2010/08/20 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



While most people try to cover up their imperfections, this young woman courageously embraces it. Despite the presence of a 40-centimeter-long scar on her stomach from battling a malignant tumor, she overcame her self-consciousness and participated in a bikini contest to inspire other young people with boldness and to chase after their dreams.

Wang Yu-In energetically jumps to hit the volleyball, without any signs of uncertainty, while sporting a bikini to show off her healthy figure. With her sweet smile and happy personality, it's hard to believe that the L-shaped scar across her belly represents the hardships Wang has endured while seeking treatment for the malignant tumor which caused her to lose a third of her liver.

Although the tumor was removed, it left a lasting scar. Despite Wang's attractive appearance, she struggled with feelings of insecurity, and says that it took a lot of courage to be able to put on a bikini.

However, due to her optimistic nature, she was able to maintain a positive attitude and exercised diligently to stay in shape. With the encouragement of friends and family, Wang eventually displayed her scar proudly and was even selected to be a member of a "beautiful beach volleyball team."

Wang is no longer distraught over her scar, but rather talks about it openly and is an inspiration to many.

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關鍵字beauty Belly Scar imperfections stomach malignant tumor Scar
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