
Burning Baton Twirling Show
2010/08/21 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台中縣報導



Night visitors to the Taichung Art Garden are often held captive by the sight of burning batons being twirled in the dark. Some of the stunts even include lighting the ground on fire. While this performance easily attracts an audience, it also poses a danger for those who don't keep a safe distance from the act. To prepare for the worst, this college student street performer brings a portable fire extinguisher to every performance, just in case.

The fire-tossing show in the Taichung Art Garden has attracted a huge crowd in the evening.

The dangerous stunt of lighting up the fire excites onlookers while the performer twirls the burning batons in front of a captive audience.

However, if the performer flops and slips the baton away, this may cause great danger.

The creative performance can also be seen in Yunlin, where the same show is presented at the Linshen Park in Douliu.

But apparently watching a show here is much safer as audience sit in the coffee shop at the back.

Colloge junior Xiu-Chiu is the talented performer, who has been learning this for five years.

He knows the stunts can be dangerous and he burned his fingers last week.

Now he brings wet towels whenever he does a show, adding that he will try to improve audience safety while keeping the show as entertaining as possible.

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關鍵字Taichung Art Garden burning batons twirled stunts lighting fire performance attracts audience danger fire-tossing Show onlookers entertaining
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