
Revitalizing the community
2010/08/01 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台中縣報導



A small agricultural village in Taichung County is trying to rebuild itself into a center of pastoral arts, hoping to bring the little community of 600 people back to prosperity.


It's time to make wine! These women gather all their strength and hoist all the grapes into the barrel, which they will reopen after waiting for a full year.

Only 600 people are left in this little village, mostly elders and kids, to protect the mountain forests and gardens.

Situated in upstream Bai-leng Dike, the people of this village get together to make their own wine out oranges and other fruits.

This village, originially occupied by the Japanese, used to be an agricultural distribution site for Taichung and other key areas.

The population used to bein the tens of thousands, with properous restaurant businesses. However, the population of Zhong-he village has decreased so much that villagers are beginning to panic.

The villagers have decided that this time, the 3 million in funds from the Council for Cultural Affairs won't be spent on tangible objects such as hardware and facilities.

Instead, it will be used to attract artists and establish internship opportunities for university students.

In revamping the living standards of the village with art, the acting supervisor of the project says that, despite insufficient funds, the requirement of 2-3 years to achieve their goals, and needing outside help, the villagers are hopeful that their beloved village will once again become like the old days of glory and prosperity.

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關鍵字revitalize Taichung county agricultural village rebuild pastoral Art community prosperity wine grapes
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