
Tuna Overfished
2010/08/22 06:45 綜合報導     地區:屏東縣報導



Taiwan's Donggang is famous for its Tuna Cultural Festival. But many international environmental groups now say that overfishing has decimated the Pacific Ocean's tuna stock and resulted in environmental damage. Greenpeace is calling on Taiwan's government to adopt international conservation policies and establish marine conservation zones to help the tuna population rebound.

Many people associate bluefin tuna with Donggang's annual Tuna Cultural Festival, which is in its tenth year.

However, this year's bluefin tuna catch is at an all-time low, and is only one-third of last year's levels.

In the past, Taiwan's fishermen caught an average of 520,000 tons of bluefin tuna with total value exceeding 40 billion NT and accounting for 90% of total domestic open fishing value every year.

However, the methods that fishermen use to catch bluefin tuna have caused a great deal of ecological damage.

According to Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Convention statistics, bigeye tuna spawn has fallen to 17% of original levels.

Greenpeace is calling on Taiwan's government to include tuna on its protected species list and establish marine conservation zones to give the population an opportunity to rebound.

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關鍵字overfished TAIWAN Donggang bluefin Tuna Cultural Festival International Environmental groups Pacific OCEAN Environmental damage Greenpeace conservation policies ecological damage
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