
Late Summer Typhoon Watch
2010/08/21 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Those accustomed to Taiwan's weather patterns may be surprised by the lack of tropical storms during this year's typhoon season, which lasts from July to September. This year has set a new record for the longest period of time in a year without the presence of a typhoon. But what type of weather should we expect for the remainder of this summer? Let's take a look.

The weather is still hot and humid in the end of August.

The temperatures in the summer have been high and there hasn't been much rain.

So far, no typhoon warning has been issued, breaking the record of lateness of typhoon arrival in a single year.

According to the Central Weather Bureau, due to the la nina phenonemon,

the surface water temperatures have led to stronger easterly winds in the western Pacific, making it difficult for typhoons to form.

But the bureau estimates that easterly winds have weakened and low pressure systems are forming around the South Sea region starting this Sunday, which will provide a good environment for typhoons to form.

The bureau believes the typhoons may come in a row given a more suitable weather conditions.

The typhoons in the La Nina year are close to Taiwan, where the public is urged to take serious precaution for one's own safety.

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關鍵字typhoon TAIWAN Weather tropical storms NEW RECORD longest period Central Weather Bureau LA Nina phenonemon
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