
Taichung Beauty Named Miss City
2010/08/24 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台中市報導



She has charmed the crowd and grabbed the crown. Congratulations to the 19 year-old Chen Yi-wei, who has been named the 2010 Miss Globalcity in Taiwan.

And her road to fame doesn't stop there, the Taichung City pageant, along with few runner-ups will have the chance to step onto the world stage to compete with other beauties for the upcoming Miss Global City Pageant.

Chen Yi-wei has stood out among the 24 other young individuals from 24 different cities across the island, snatching the

With her elegant blue gown and her perfect smile, Chen, a sophomore at Shu-Te University says that her winning came as a shocking surprise, and that she has prepared herself for the entire year just for this demanding battle.

With her honorable achievement as this year's Miss City, Chen adds that she's looking forward to her bright future.

Representing her hometown, Taichung City, Chen and few top candidates from the Taiwan event will be going face-to-face with other international contestants in the next round of the Miss Globalcity Pageant, which is slated for the end of this year.

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