
Mysterious Dragon-shaped Marks
2010/08/27 06:45 綜合報導     地區:桃園縣報導



Unusual lightning strikes have been reported for the past few days in the Taoyuan area, leaving interesting marks behind. Let's hear what the experts have to say about the formation of these dragon-like patterns, here on CTS.

There is a big flash and the whole sky lights up.

This is Tuesday evening as the northern part of Taiwan saw lightning flash across the sky.

Most of the time, lightning is in the sky, but it does touch down on earth leading to strange scenes.

This is Taoyuan's Lungtan where this electrical pole and a concrete wall to the side have a special dragon design left by the lightning strike.

Lin Pei-Liam, a professor at National Central University said that the resistance rate was not good,

as the lightning sent electricity through the pole and went to the other side as they talked scientific data related to this incident.

Still, local citizens believe that it was simply a dragon touching down on earth!

Looking at this electrical pole along and the wall, one sees a series of circles that really look like dragon scales.

And this dragon goes from the wall down to the ground. Neighbors in the area believe that it is quite strange as though being located in "Lung" tan, the same Chinese character representing dragon, makes it truly amazing.

They it is really incredible that such a dragon could suddenly appeared in this area.

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關鍵字Dragon-shaped Marks Taoyuan LIN Pei-Liam national Central University TAIWAN Chinese character representing Dragon
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