
Twelve-year-old Giant
2010/08/29 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



At the tender age of 12, a grade school basketball player from Shanghai is already hailed as "the Next Yao-Ming" because of his extraordinary stature. Measuring at 195cm, which is almost the height of Kobe Bryant, the boy easily dwarfs his peers on court. The little giant recently visited Taipei for a Youth NBA Challenge game, which looked like a modern day basketball version of David vs. Goliath.

Standing at 195cm tall, 12-year-old Wang Jun-yu doesn't have to worry at all about having the ball stolen by his opponents, who measure at only 145cm tall.

Wang, who traveled from Shanghai to take part in a basketball competition in Taiwan, inherited his father's genes of over 190cm height and hit his growth spurt in the fourth grade.

In one year, Wang can grow 15-20cm in height and although he's still an elementary school student, he is already 195cm tall.

What's even more shocking is that he's still continuing to grow.

In comparison to local kids his age, there's a 50cm difference in heights, and the other kids only reach up to a little past Wang's waist.

The difference is even starker when Wang raises the ball high above his head.

Having no way to compete against Wang in height, his opponents have no choice to rely on strategy on the court if they wish to win.

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關鍵字giant basketball PLAYER Yao-Ming Measuring NBA
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