
Sowing the Seeds of Love
2010/08/29 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



To another related story, a living legacy of Dickson's can be found in this group of young volunteers, who came from underprivileged families that had long been supported by the Mustard Seed Mission. Having benefited from the generosity of others, these young students are eager to help those in greater needs. And they flew to Cambodia this summer to sow the seeds of hope at a local orphanage.

Students representing Taiwan's Mustard Seed Mission are spending their summer volunteering at a Cambodian orphanage.

Apart from singing and playing with the orphans, the students have also tasked themselves with fixing tables and chairs and performing simple repairs.

Some of the volunteers are university students, but most of them are junior and senior high school students from disadvantaged families that have received aid from the Mustard Seed Mission.

They say that they want to give back, and feel a responsibility to help others.

Despite the language barrier, the youths see a bit of themselves in the Cambodian orphans.

They have found that they are able to bridge the gap with hugs, and many of them say that they want to come back to Cambodia next year.

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關鍵字Sowing The seeds Dickson's young volunteers Mustard Mission
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