
The One And Only Student
2010/08/31 06:45 綜合報導     地區:澎湖縣報導



She may not have many friends, but she gets all her questions answered, and she gets all the attention she needs. This first-grader from a Penghu elementary school is the only one in her class, among the 11 students in the entire campus. Let's take a look at what her learning days are like.

The school bell has rung, but the noisy students who are frantically running to their classes are nowhere in sight.

Only a single 8-year-old girl by the surname of Guo enters the classroom.

Guo is the only new student in this school because she is the only first grader this school year.

And the teacher doesn't have to waste time by disciplining a classroom full of students, she is able to immediately introduce Guo to her school environment.

This elementary school in Penghu has a sizable track and basketball court, but no other students can be seen.

Because of a mass emigration of residents from the island, the total population in Penghu has decreased.

Guo makes only the 11th student to be currently enrolled in this school.

However, not only is Guo not lonesome, she is happy about her situation.

She says it's better than being in the kindergarten she used to attend where she students constantly fought and argued with one another.

Guo says she feels fortunate to be on a quiet campus and have a classroom all to herself.

Guo's parents relocated to Penghu so that Guo would be able to benefit from the full attention of her teacher and get more exposure to the natural environment of the island.

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關鍵字student natural environment Penghu elementary school
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