
Chinese Official in Taiwan
2010/09/04 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



A delegation of nearly 50 Chinese creative professionals, headed by China's Minister of Culture Tsai Wu, arrived at Taiwan on Thursday for a week-long visit. This marks the first time in 12 years for a cabinet-level official from China to visit Taiwan..

The first stop for the delegation led by Chinese Cultural Minister Tsia Wu in Taiwan was the Academia Sinica to view the historic artifacts on display, including oracle and bronze items impressed Tsai, who graduated from Beijing Universitys political science department and also taught at his Alma mater.

Tsai visited former Beijing University principle and former Academia Sinica president Hu Shihs old residence.

Tsai would also visit the National Palace Museum and other culture related museum and industries in his 7 days stay in Taiwan.

As the highest ranking governmental official to visit Taiwan in recent years, Tsais trip aroused much interest from people of different backgrounds.

Tsai is , however, tight lipped about the purpose of his trip.

Tsai will participate in the Cross strait Culture Forum that is to take place in Taipei on the 6th and would most likely meet with council for Culture Affairs Minister Shen Ji ren.

In the post ECFA era, many are wondering if cross strait talk on culture exchanges that would benefit culture sectors import and export on both sides will be the next step.

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關鍵字Ji Shen Minister Affairs culture department Science political Universitys Beijing Wu Tsai culture of Minister China's Ren
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