
Offshore Island University Opens
2010/08/03 06:45 綜合報導     地區:金門縣報導



The first offshore island university in Taiwan, The National Quemoy University, has just been officially inaugurated in Kinmen. By providing allowance and tuition aid, it is expected to attract more students to attend.

The first local university in Kinmen, also known as Quemoy, finally came into reality. On August 1, the National Kinmen Institute of Technology was officially upgraded to the National Quemoy University. The minister of Education, WU Ching-chi, said that much is to be expected from the new university.

On its opening day, the university received lots of gifts from the society through the Yonglin Foundation,

Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd Chairman Terry Guo donated NT$1 million for computer and electronic equipment and expressed his interest in cooperating with the university in providing students with internships and career opportunities.

At the same time, the head of the overseas Malaysian community, Yang Zhong-li, contributed NT$1 million to the university as well.

The Kinmen county government has also allocated NT$900 million for the university, which will be used on scholarships and transportation stipends for students.

The county government also agrees to grant students who rank at the top 20 of their class the full tuition waivers for up to four years.

Besides, in order to attract more Mainland Chinese students, the county government plans to allocate funds for their living expenses in the future.

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關鍵字Offshore island University opens Kinmen Yonglin Foundation The Minister of education Wu Ching-chi
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