
Food Allergies for Children
2010/09/04 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



According to the Taipei City Health Department, more and more children are suffering from food allergies, which are most commonly triggered by crabs, eggs, milk, and shrimps. Doctors suggest that parents bring their children for allergy test and avoid foods that can cause allergic symptoms. And a balanced diet plus regular exercise will also help.

The school's lunch is filled with different foods, which children eat happily.

But which foods are children allergic to? The Taipei City Health Department recently did a study on 25,000 first grade and second graders.

They discovered that 83% are allergic to crabs, 24% are allergic to egg white, 22% allergic to milk, and 20% are allergic to shrimp.

Doctors say most children will no longer be allergic to egg white and milk when their body changes from 6 to 8 years old.

But why such a number of children are allergic before the age of 6?

The reason is still undefined.

Doctors recommend parents to take their children to get a blood test to see what foods they're allergic to and to avoid such foods.

Children that have asthma should eat less processed foods.

Proper exercise will also help the body build its immune system.

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關鍵字food allergies children Taipei City health department
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