
New Degree Program Launched
2010/09/09 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



A new kind of degree program for college graduates is officially launched this year in 53 schools around Taiwan, aiming to equip the students with an extra set of skills before they enter the job market. But some enterprises are skeptical of its value, stating that additional degree does not necessarily translate into professional competence.

The Ministry of Education recently launched a new "4+X" program at 53 universities and technical schools to help them acquire a second skill or field of expertise.

The program covers six major fields of study ranging from liberal arts to engineering.

Hungkuang University believes that the one-year program, which includes an internship, will definitely make students more competitive.

However, one biotechnology company says that earlier internships benefit students more as they allow students to put what they are learning in the classroom into actual practice.

Despite differing viewpoints, both schools and employers agree that students are stimulated by the opportunity to learn, and that those that are able to think outside the box are more productive,

more adept at problem-solving, and better able to adapt to fast-paced, challenging work environments.

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關鍵字universities technical SCHOOLS NEW degree program Launched college graduates NEW "4+X" program
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