
Success with Ability Grouping
2010/09/09 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



Recently a debate has been raging over whether tracking systems should be adopted in secondary schools around Taiwan. But some actually prefer a third option called "ability grouping." The new practice manages to maintain the structure of a mixed-ability class without hindering the progress of more proficient learners. And it's been successfully applied in a Kaohsiung junior high.

During recess, these junior high school students bring their books to the assigned classrooms for math, and physical science class.

The Yangming junior high school adopts a heterogeneous grouping approach in general.

But when it comes to the two subjects, two classes will be combined into one unit and then separated into two groups based on students' abilities.

To avoid students from feeling unfavored or the varied teaching quality, the subject is taught by the same teacher.

Parents admit the ability grouping approach has its pros and cons.

But the priority is that the school, teachers and parents are working together for children's best interests.

So far half of the schools in Kaohsiung City adopt ability grouping, while each school may have slightly different perspectives.

And not all the schools have succeeded in their educational efforts.

However, since its implemention of ability grouping in 1997, the Yangmin Junior High School has been one of the top-rated schools in Kaohsiung City.

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關鍵字Success with ability Grouping top-rated JUNIOR HIGH school Yangmin
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