
Gastric Flu Outbreak
2010/09/10 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北縣報導



School just barely started and 15 classes around Taipei County have been cancelled already because of the reported gastric flu outbreak.

Experts are warning people to be aware of this year's symptoms including fever, blisters, and conjunctivitis.

Six of the 27 students in this Ji Sui Elementary School class recently came down with gastroenteritis, and the class was suspended for a week beginning this past Monday. Although the fall semester opened just one week ago, one Taipei County elementary school class, one public daycare class, and twelve preschool classes have already been suspended due to gastroenteritis outbreaks.

According to experts, this year's gastroenteritis strain is different than in years past, with a high percentage arising from the Coxsackie virus. Symptoms include fever, blisters in the oral cavity and on the hands and feet, and conjunctivitis, and even chicken pox.

Gastroenteritis cases have risen by 20% since the fall semester began, and parents should teach their children about hygiene and remind them to wash their hands often. Children found to be suffering from high fevers for at least three days, lethargy, or muscle spasms should seek medical attention immediately.

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關鍵字Gastric flu outbreak Taipei county Ji Sui elementary school children Coxsackie virus
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