
Eels That Bring Good Luck
2010/09/13 06:45 綜合報導     地區:屏東縣報導



It's a lucky catch for two individuals.

A crocodile hunter in Pingtung County has caught two white eels, claiming that it has brought him some good luck already. Is this possible? At least another fisherman, who was exclusively interviewed by CTS two years ago, agrees with him. As another believer, he said that he was blessed with good fortune for three months after he captured a white eel.

People crane their necks in curiosity to check out the slithery white freshwater eels in the barrel.

This is the same white freshwater eel that has recently garnered much attention from neighboring residents.

These white freshwater eels are actually an albino version of the originally dark colored freshwater eel.

The eels in the container were caught by a man called Alinzi in a water groove in Wandan Township.

Legend has it that these white freshwater eels will bring good luck to whoever catches them.

Without further ado, Alinzi set off to buy a scratch-off lottery ticket and won NT$100.

Alinzi recalled a man named Mr. Lin who also caught a white eel two years ago and had three months of good luck in catching fish.

This story has cemented Alinzi's belief that white freshwater eels do in fact bring good luck.

So Alinzi is planning to test his luck again by buying more lottery tickets with the NT$100 he had just won.

Will he indeed reap in the luck of his white freshwater eel?

We'll just have to wait until the lottery results come out.

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關鍵字Alinzi ticket LOTTERY Pingtung individuals luck GOOD Bring That eels
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