
In Search for a Loving Home
2010/09/14 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Be part of the joint effort to rescue these cute furry ones.

Students, local hospitals, and an animal care organization in Yunlin County are doing whatever they can to find shelters for these homeless dogs, and to free them from having to face the fate of being euthanized.

On CTS, let's find out where and how you can adopt and save lives.

The homeless puppies in the cage may share the same fate because they will receive euthanasia if they are not adopted within 7 days.

In order to save these dogs' lives, the Animal Care Association in Yunlin County is collaborating with local animal hospitals and college students to help find new homes for the dogs.

For the past four years, workers in the association and students have been setting up booths for adoption in different night markets and animal hospitals.

They say that there are some advantages to adopting from the association because it is free and all of the dogs will receive microchips for future identification and be neutered once the adoption is completed.

The animal hospital will also help make sure that the adopted dogs are healthy.

The whole adoption process will only take around a week.

Most importantly, adoption saves lives.

Next, the association is going to set the booths at the Green Tunnel Market in Guken Township, hoping to help more dogs out of the shelter.

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關鍵字Yunlin county search Loving HOME puppies animal
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