
Cruise Love River in a Green Way
2010/09/15 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



When you cruise around the Love River next time, you won't be feeling guilty about polluting the environment.

The Kaohsiung City Government is planning to gradually replace its diesel-powered boats with a greener option, the solar-powered ones, hoping to hike up more tourists to stop by in Kaohsiung.

The Love River in Kaohsiung is a popular tourist attraction with many people taking riverboat tours. From now on, advanced solar powered boats will join the ranks of riverboats.

This solar boat technology will help reduce energy and carbon, and will be unlike traditional diesel engines with no emissions, pollution, or other water quality issues. It will also result in zero-noise and a smooth ride.

The flat top of the boat will be solar panels that will capture sunlight and convert it into energy to propel the boats.

Kaohsiung is a port city that gets around 2,200 hours of sunshine a year.

It also has magnificent mountains and sea ports, and in recent years, has been more committed to the development of green waterfront tourism.

It is also promoting non-smokestack industries.

The local tourism industry has high expectations as it also hopes to attract more Chinese tourists to visit the place.

In order to meet the expectations of group tourists, the Love River is also planning a Love River boat terminal that can facilitate large tour bus parking with special planning and design.

It is hoped that this will attract more people to take solar boat tours on the Love River and attract more people to Kaohsiung.

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關鍵字Kaohsiung green WAY LOVE RIVER environment Kaohsiung City government diesel-powered boats
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