
How Powerful Are the Flowers?
2010/09/16 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The highly anticipated event, the Flora Expo has been a hot election topic recently, but the real stars of the costly event, the flowers, have not been seen yet. Although the city government claims that it could generate up to 2 billion NT dollars in its related field, many questions the direct impact that the Flora Expo can bring to the local market.

The Taipei International Flora Expo will be on stage in November. Although the real flowers are still missing on the streets, many advertisements and mascots are already to be seen on billboards and buses, in order to attract people.

The Taipei City Government explained that flowers would fade too easily in the current heat, as they are waiting for cooler weather, such as the end of September to begin their extensive deployment which may stimulate the flower industry.

However, one experienced participant of many international flora expos Chen Chin-Chuan of Houli Farms says, that at such exhibitions, the technology and species procurement is the most important issue for the specialists.

Although Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin has promised to spend 600 million NT$ to buy flowers from Changhua, there are only orders of 20,000 NT$ received till now. Still, the farmers believe the Flora Expo will bring other benefits.

In fact, the Taipei Flora Expo will follow the rules by the International Association of Horticultural Producers, but the rating still will not be comparable to that of Shanghai Expo, which has reached an A1.

Beside, Taipei City Government has decided to extend it to nearly six months, making it a world-class event.

An investment in flowers is expected to have a budget of 9.5 billion NT$. Many are speculating, just how many international markets will be reached or how it will help expand the domestic market.

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關鍵字How powerful are The Flowers Flora Expo CHEN Chin-Chuan Houli farms
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