
More Problems at Cks Airport?
2010/09/02 06:45 綜合報導     地區:桃園縣報導



Controversy seems to be never ending at the Taoyuan International Airport.

The latest incident involves rain dripping from the ceiling of Terminal 2, creating a dangerous and slippery walkway for the public. Airport officials have been quick in problem-solving, providing a water absorbing carpet to limit the injury-prone situation.

Heavy rain has resulted in Taoyuan International Airport's Terminal II seeing large water droplets continuously fall on passengers. Airport officials have rushed to deploy absorbent carpet to prevent the visitors from falling and injuring themselves.

This large volume of water takes up an entire carpet, showing quite some volume of water. It's even falling on passengers during routine airport procedures.

This dripping water from the ceiling of Terminal II is mainly due to adhesives cracking in the glass.

For these ceiling leaks, Taoyuan International Airport will do a comprehensive inspection and repair as soon as possible.

Before, a ruptured fire hose during construction led to large flooding, and then a broken sewage pipe, and toilet overflows leading to a powerful stench.

This constant stream of accidents is really becoming too much for many people to comprehend.

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關鍵字Taoyuan International airport terminal 2 droplets dripping Water large flooding broken sewage pipe toilet overflows leading powerful stench
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