
Floods in Sanming District
2010/09/21 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



In the Sanming District of Kaoshiung, people also faced similar experiences. Local residents were put under dangerous situations with the torrential rain and the powerful wind going fully for hours on Sunday.

While Typhoon Fanapi has made its way into China, there is still a great chance of showers today around the island.

Like water pouring from the sky, the detention basin at Sanming District, Kaohsiung City has stopped working due to the heavy rainfall.

As the water fills up the basin, the whole area is also submerged in water.

At the same time, wind and rain keep bombarding the area.

Many pedestrians are trapped on the road or have to walk sideways like crabs to prevent from being swept away by the wind.

And as the water keeps rising, the residents in the area are doing their best to stop the flooding and lowering the damages.

Also, the under path that is located beneath Mingzu Bridge is filled with water and the scooter riders are riding dangerously through the waterfall.

This is mainly due to the fact that the water on the bridge has nowhere to go, and as the water accumulates on the bridge, the overflow pours down from the cracks and leaks of the bridge, turning the scooter way underneath into an underwater pathway.

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關鍵字bridge Mingzu waterfall Fanapi typhoon Kaoshiung District Sanming Floods
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