
Accessible Assistance Needed
2010/09/22 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



In tech news,

There are currently 600,000 iPhone users on the island, but you are not able to locate one single authorized Apple iPhone repair center. So what happens when your phone breaks down? Well, it has to be sent to Singapore to be fixed. Not only that it's

time-consuming, you are not able to receive the customer service you need. With that said, Apple customers are now requesting the company to provide accessible assistance here in Taiwan.

Mr. Tseng recently broke the lens on his three-month old iPhone 3GS, and sent his phone in for repairs.

For nearly a week, he was unable to get a status report from his telecom provider's customer service department.

In the end, he was informed that it would cost 7,850 NT to repair his phone.

Tseng says that he doesn't care about the amount, but is extremely angry that his phone memory was wiped clean during the process.

In response, his telecom provider says that consumers are responsible for backing up their own data.

Apple doesn't have an official repair center in Taiwan, and damaged or malfunctioning phones have to be sent to Singapore for repairs if the consumer or telecom provider wants to keep the warranty in effect.

As a result, many Apple fans are calling on the company to protect the rights of consumers by setting up a repair center in Taiwan.

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關鍵字Accessible assistance Needed apple IPHONE repair Center Singapore official repair Center
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