
Team List Confirmed
2010/09/23 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The roster of Chinese Taipei baseball team for the upcoming Asian Games has been finalized, but MLB All-Star closer Kuo Hong-chih is not included, due to the LA Dodgers' refusal to release the ace reliever. Other notable omissions include ex-MLB player Chen Jin-feng, and NPB pitcher Lin Wei-chu.

Right before the Chinese Taipei baseball team announced its final 24-man list for the upcoming Asian Games in Guangzhou, the Los Angeles Dodgers officially replied to the Baseball association that it turns down the request asking Taiwanese player Kuo Hong-chi to join the Asian Games.

Ten pitchers made it to the final list, including Yan Jian-fu, Lin Yin-jie, Pan Wei-lun, Chen Hong-wen, Yang Yao-hsun, Huang Chi-long, Lin Yi-hau, Hsu Min-jie, Hsiao Yi-jie and Chen Guan-yu.

To much of the surprise, Lo Jia-ren wasn't chosen and famed baseball player Chen Jin-feng, declined the offer as he believes he is not in his top physical condition.

Having played for Taiwan in many international games, Lin Wei-chu, who's currently serving for Hanshin Tiger in Japan, was not chosen to join the team because he's not a left-hand specialist.

Since the final 24-man list is announced, the players will begin training in early October for the fast-approaching Asian Games.

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關鍵字Guan-yu CHEN Yi-jie Hsiao Min-jie Hsu Yi-hau LIN Chi-long Huang Yao-hsun Yang Hong-wen CHEN Wei-lun Pan Yin-jie LIN Jian-fu Yan team baseball Taipei Chinese Dodgers' LA Hong-chih Kuo Confirmed list team
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