
X Games Coming in Tpe
2010/09/23 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



A qualifying tournament for the upcoming Asian X Games was recently held in Kaohsiung, attracting dozens of extreme sports athletes from around the island. But eventually it was a 14 year old boy that stole the show.

Riding on momentum, cyclists wheel higher and higher along the curve of the half-pipe.

But to win the Asian championship, height is not enough; contestants must do all kinds of stunts such as flips and turns.

This amazing routine was just performed by 14-year-old Liu Quan-ming, who had been practicing hard for his performance.

Liu suffers from a congential case of diabetes and needs four insulin shots each day.

Just three days ago, he suffered from a fracture in his right leg.

Relatives and friends fretted as he had to bear the pain from his fracture and go on with his performance.

But Liu's efforts were not in vain as he ended up winning third place.

Out of 46 contestants who compete in cycling, skateboarding, and rollarblading, three will be chosen to represent Taiwan in the 2010 X Games held in Taipei in October.

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關鍵字half-pipe Quan-ming Liu cyclists Asian Games X
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