
Diabetes Causes Dark Spots
2010/09/30 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



If you're starting to get dark splotches on your skin, don't rule out that it may be signs of diabetes. One student in Kaohsiung faces similar symptoms, and after a visit to the doctor, he found out that the hyperpigmentation of the skin is quite common among diabetic patients.

This student, surnamed Lu is 24 years old and his mature appearance let people think he is already a middle-aged person. Just two months ago, he was suffering from obesity, when his highest weight was 108 kg. The sickness also affected on his skin. When you watch carefully, you can see the darker part on his neck around his gold chain. Lu said it is difficult to get clean as this situation has persisted for two to three years.

During a medical examination, the doctor discovered his high blood sugar may be causing this black skin which could be related to an endocrine problem called acanthosis nigricans.

Physicians show pictures of other patients with a similar problem affecting creases in the neck, armpit, etc. The skin will appear with a full dark circle and most often in overweight people who have symptoms like high blood sugar. In fact, some believe that this ailment is a precursor to diabetes. The most efficient treatment is a diet to lose weight.

In the past two months, Lu has gone from 108kg to 96kg and is appearing much leaner. He needs to continue his efforts and get back to a healthy weight to solve this problem.

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關鍵字hyperpigmentation diabetic patients SKIN DIET weight
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