
The Game Is Still On
2010/10/01 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北縣報導



A recent poll conducted by a newspaper shows that KMT candidate Eric Chu holds a 17-point lead over his DPP opponent Tsai Ying-wen, 45 percent of support versus 28 percent, respectively. However, Chu remains low-key regarding the news, while Tsai suggests that the race is still very much in play.

Eric Chu is a popular candidate as many people fight for a chance to take picture with him while he was campaigning around Taipei County; he is especially popular with the female voters.

According to a newspapers latest survey, 45% of females support Chu while overall, Chu gets 45% support from the voters, which is 17% higher than Tsai Yin-wen's 28%, the same result as in May.

Chu is not too optimistic as he understands the important matter is for his supporters to show up and vote.

As for Tsai, she said the survey is for reference only and doesn't mean anything.

Tsai was also welcomed wherever she goes as she pointed out that the survey of DPP showed that the campaign is an even battle so far as she would try harder in the tough battle.

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關鍵字Chu ERIC candidate KMT DPP opponent Tsai Ying-wen Taipei county newspaper shows
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