
Chen Admits Napping During Floods
2010/09/30 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



Kaohsiung mayor Chen Chu's confession to having dozed off at home during the September 19th flooding has caused an outrage, leading KMT councilors to openly demand her resignation yesterday. But Chen responded that this issue should be left for the voters to decide.

Kaohsiung City Mayor Chen Chu has finally admitted that she was napping on the afternoon of September 19th when torrential rains from Typhoon Fanapi caused severe flooding across the city.

On Tuesday, Chen informed the media that she would be arriving early at the Kaohsiung City Council and was available for interviews before attending an interpellation.

Chen told reporters that she kept a close watch on the flood situation while napping, but Kaohsiung City councilors later demanded to know why Chen did not publicize her September 19 itinerary until the 28th.

Sitting in front of a poster demanding that she resign to take responsibility for her negligence, Chen brushed off their criticism and said that voters unhappy with her performance can use the year-end election to express their dissatisfaction.

Outside, a city resident with a fake gun attempted to break into the City Council, but was stopped by police.

KMT-affiliated city councilors have demanded video evidence of Chen's itinerary, and say that Chen should withdraw from the election if further discrepancies are found.

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