
Who's to Blame
2010/10/03 06:45 綜合報導     地區:南投市報導



Good morning. Thank you for tuning in to CTS News, I'm Cary Chuo.

In response to the recent construction accident at the No. Six Freeway that claimed the lives of seven workers, Premier Wu Den-yih has ordered an investigation into the cause of the scaffold collapse, promising that those responsible for the tragedy will be brought to justice.

Premier Wu Den-yih called an interdepartmental meeting on Friday evening to address the Beishan Interchange construction accident that killed seven workers earlier this week.

The government is currently conducting an investigation to determine whether contractor and planning supervisor Sinotech Engineering Consultants was at fault.

When asked whether the government should take responsibility for the accident, Wu said that any negligence would not go unpunished.

In regards to reports that many of the laborers working at the site were illegal migrant workers, Wu said that an investigation would be launched into the whereabouts of 33,000 illegal workers, and that anyone found to be illegally employing these workers would be fined.

Many are wondering how illegal workers ended up working on a national construction project, and workplace safety and foreign laborer rights are issues that the island will have to address and resolve in the near future.

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關鍵字Blame Premier Wu Den-yih six Freeway workers Beishan Interchange construction Sinotech Engineering Consultants
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