
15 New Taiwanese Movies
2010/10/17 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



From now until February of 2011, 15 Taiwanese movies will be shown on the big screen, including the film "When Love Comes", which received 14 nods at this year's Golden Horse Awards.

This is When Love Comes, a film directed by Chang Tso-chi, is about a teenage girl who accidentally got pregnant and with the help of her family she finally regained the feeling of love.

This film has also got 14 nominations from this years Golden Horse Award and will soon be released in the theaters.

Other than that, there is also A-huays Daughter, which talks about the relationship between a visually impaired father and his daughter.

And how theyve found the true meaning of love and courage.

The actor starring in this film is also visually impaired, which makes it all the more realistic.

The purpose of this film is to give the public a better idea of what the world of the visually impaired is like, and furthermore, to understand and support them.

These films, along with 13 more, will be showing right around Chinese New Year period.

The topics include family love, romance, and there will even be a 3D animation made in Taiwan called Memory Loss, that took five long years to complete.

Also, there is The Reign of Assassins, which is a kung-fu movie made by the Taiwanese and Hong Kong film-makers and costs an eye-watering US$10m.

Even though it has not been released yet, its release rights have been sold to more than 60 regions in the world.

With these awesome films, lets hope the local movie industry will also be boosted considerably by next year.

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關鍵字15 NEW Taiwanese Movies film-makers When LOVE comes A-huays Daughter Chang Tso-chi
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